Drop Roball Federation - India (DRFI).
The human culture of India is also full of sports. The new game raises new expectations. Since ancient times, there has been a trend of playing ball by palm with each other in the area around Delhi in North India. Inspired by this lost game, the idea of devising a new game arose in my mind. Which could establish new dimensions of popularity in the sports world.
I have, after many years of research and effort, made an indigenous game that is simple to learn, free from injury, low cost, limited resources and simple game rules and can be played in easily available playing fields.
On October 28, 2008, by giving the Drop Roball the modern form of the game again, the game was started from Ved Model School Kalanur, Rohtak Haryana Pradesh. Which is the wackiest game in hair games. I formed the Drop Roball Federation in 2009 with some body gears and started promoting and showcasing this game in India. Soon after, this game made its mark in the sports world and started being played in schools and colleges. The game is played in single double triple super evot and mix double. Players play the Drop Roball game by tapping the hair in three or five sets on either side of the net with the palm. Currently this indigenous game has made its mark at the national level, this game is also being played in the Association of Indian University, AIU Want School Games Federation of India ,SGFI. This game can be played both outdoor and indoor.
DropRoball - india's New Game
I will be indebted to all the sports lovers of the year who have given me that morale to develop the Drop Roball game. I wish the game, players and coaches a bright future.
Contact : droproball@gmail.com